he Isthmus: The Gap In-between Save the Children and World Vision will hold a press pre-screening of the movie “The Isthmus” along with a seminar covering the topic of “children on the move” on 14 January 2015 at RCA House, Bangkok, Thailand. Starring Jeed Sangthong Keduthong, “The Isthmus” captures the story of a Thai woman who decides to travel with her little daughter to the south of Thailand to bring the ashes of their dead Burmese maid to her homeland. She and her daughter gradually develop friendship with migrant families while they spend their time visiting the new lands, and meet new people of different languages, religions, and cultures. The film aims to promote better understanding towards migrant workers and their children in Thai society, and to raise awareness among people on human dignity, and cultural diversity of the people. It introduces new strands of thought and positive attitude towards Burmese people, as well as triggers open discussions within communities that accommodate migrant workers. The film will convey positive messages that Thai and Burmese are friends and can understand each other better if we open our hearts to listen to each other.The film was previously screened at the International Film Festivals in 2013 and 2014 in Busan and Shanghai to promote the global understanding on migrant workers’ rights and dignity.Tickets are available for public screening from 15 January – 2 February 2015 at RCA House and Lido Theatres.Event detailsRepresentatives of the media are invitedDate: Wednesday, 14 January 2015Time: 6.00 – 9.30 p.m.Venue: RCA House Theater, BangkokRegistration starts at 6.00 p.m., followed by a seminar on “children on the move” and a mini concert by “Desktop Error”, the Burmese band who produced the film soundtrackPress Screening starts at 8.00 p.m.Teaser is available at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s-zcsymiKxc.###For more information:Songporn LeelakitichokCommunications and Advocacy CoordinatorSave the Children in ThailandEmail: bea.leelakitichok@savethechildren.org

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