Children Art Competition AnnouncementPhotography, Drawing, Paintings and all other forms of artUnder the theme of “My Friends, Migrant Children”to celebrate International Migration Day and Thailand Children’s Day23 December 2016 – 24 March 2017BackgroundIt has been established that there are more than 200,000 migrant children in Thailand who do not have access to education. Save the Children and partners would like to raise awareness of migrant children’s rights, especially to education in Thailand following the 1999 Education For All (EFA) Policy.Through art, we want to remind the society of the most deprived children who are forgotten and left behind and ensure that every last child receive the opportunity to enjoy basic rights like other children in Thailand and around the world. The art completion aims to reveal moments in migrant children’s lives through the eyes of children.Objectives:To demonstrate life moments of migrant children from the view of children and youths.To encourage interaction between Thai and migrant youths and children from different backgrounds, especially different nationality and race.To encourage children and youths to participate in creative art forms and to express themselves.Applicant criteriaChildren and youths aged under 16 years, living in Thailand with or without Thai nationality can work as individuals or in teams of up to 3 people to submit one photo, painting, drawing or any form of art work related to the theme, “My Friends, Migrant Children”. Applicants do not have to be affiliated with any schools, clubs, and/or associations.Scope of art workThe art work submitted can be in any form of art, such as photography, painting, or drawing among others. It should illustrate a life moment of migrant children or youths as interpreted by the contestant. The photo should capture or demonstrate, in a creative way, a relationship or interaction between migrant children and Thai children in any day-to-day setting.Example of possible subjects, but not limited to:1) Migrant and Thai children at play2) Life styles3) Activities in school or outside school4) Food5) A friend they knowJudging CriteriaCompositionRelevance to theme CreativitySelection ProcessThe Save the Children Photo Competition Committee will first select the 30 artworks that best fits the criteria. From these, the committee will select the 11 top submissions, with special recognition for the first prize winner and 10 second-place entry awards.AwardThe best 30 entries will be displayed at a Photo Exhibition organised by Save the Children Thailand and Foundation 32 alongside professional art works in 2017.The winner will receive 15,000.00 Thai baht The 10 second-place entry will receive 5,000.00 Thai baht eachApplication FormApplication form download here.Also available in resources on of PhotoPhotograph can be submitted via e-mail or through posts, along with the application form, to our Communication and Media Coordinator, Narissara Chandravithun at paeng.chandravithun@savethechildren.orgSubmission of Arts/painting piecePainting piece could be submitted through post along with the application form. Please post your painting pieces to:Narissara ChandravithunCommunication TeamSave the Children Thailand14th Floor, Maneeya Building518/5 Ploenchit Road, LumpiniPathumwan, BangkokThailand 10330For more information, contactNarissara Chandravithun, Communication and Media Coordinator, Save the Children Thailand, at, or Mam Katerenchuk, Advocacy and Campaign Coordinator, at, or call +66(0) 2684 1286.

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