Dialogue Between Young Climate Campaigners and the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child
Approximately 25 young climate activists from Cambodia, Hong Kong, Laos, Nepal, the Philippines, Sri Lanka, and Thailand convened virtually with Dr. Philip Jaffé, a United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child representative. They addressed...
Science-based Policy Solutions for Climate Change and Health Challenges (Infographic)
The InterAcademy Partnership (IAP) and Save the Children present 14 case studies from around the globe, especially from low- and middle-income countries, that can be useful guides to scientists and policy makers seeking information on how to...
Participatory Action Research on Online Safety and Resilience
Stateless and undocumented indigenous, ethnic, and migrant children in rural Chiang Mai and Chiang Rai, Thailand, including those with diverse sexual orientations and gender identities, are at heightened risk of sexual exploitation due to the...
Potecting and Promoting Diverse SOGIESC Rights in the Context of Child's Rights 2019 - 2022
The report critically evaluates the achievements made by the FRI funded and Save the Children implemented Child Rights’ Program 2019-2022. The assessment adopted criteria of effectiveness, relevance, and sustainability to evaluate the program. The...

Research and Reports
Various Research Studie