How to EnterThe competition is open to all budding writers and graphic designers nationwide age 18 and above. You can submit your work as an individual or part of a two person team.Each submission will include:- campaign slogan no longer than 5 words- logo JPEG format 1,000 * 1,000 pixel 150dpi no larger than 2mb- Name of competitor/s, province, email address and contact numberSubmit your work to with the subject “SLOGO competition” by 16th July 2014PrizesWinner:- A chance to team up with designers from the Thai Graphic Designers Association (ThaiGa), and Creative Move to work directly with primary school kids to craft the perfect SLOGO design.- 2 tickets plus two nights’ accommodation at JW Marriott Phuket Resort & Spa.Logo and Slogan will be used for the duration of the entire campaignPopular winner (social media scores): 2 tickets plus two nights accommodation at JW Marriott Phuket Resort & Spa.Top 30 designs will be displayed in an exhibition at a famous design galleryCriteriaMessage:“children wearing helmets everytime they travel as a passenger on a motorcycle”SloganSlogans must be written in clear, concise Thai. They must be short, catchy and easy tounderstand using simple words, easy to use in regular speech. The aim is to appeal to a wide audience.LogoThe logo must communicate the campaign message effectively appealing to wide target audience. The logo must work well in both color and black and white, small and large size.Only one design can be submitted per person or team.Where will we use the logo:- Print (Business cards, letterheads, brochures etc) - Online (Website, online advertising, banner ads etc) - Signs (Including shops, billboards etc)- Television and ScreenEligibility- Thai nationals- age over 18Deadline16 July 2014About the 7% ProjectTraffic accidents kill more than 7 children a day in Thailand and injuring or disabling almost 200.Wearing a helmet can significantly reduce the risk but just 7% of the 18 million children that travel as passengers on the back of an adult’s motorcycle do so.Asian Injury Prevention Foundation (AIPF) and Save the Children, global and regional experts in children and road safety, have started the 7% project; a nation-wide campaign to increase helmet use and save lives.Working together with teachers, parents and children, in its first year the campaign aims to create an integrated grassroots offline and online community to mobilize schools to feature helmets as a permanent part of the school uniform.As the campaign matures, the 7% project will expand beyond schools to include all destinations in a child’s daily commute. Bringing on board government agencies, corporate partners and media together with the strong offline and online movement, the campaign will work to ensure that all children will be wearing helmets everytime they travel as a passenger on a motorcycle.##################Media Contacts:Songporn LeelakitichokSave the Children in ThailandEmail:

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